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Postcard and Calendars Charity Project, FLEX Alumni/Благотворительная акция, FLEX выпускники Dear All: FLEX alumni are conducting a charity project and need help selling post cards and calendars (pictures on them were drawn by orphans). All the proceeds (we plan to raise $1200) will be spent to buy 20 dining tables and 50 chairs for Juvenile Prison in Vosnesenovka, Chui. There are 90 boys in this prison and they only have 5 tables and about 10 chairs. Post cards (35 soms) and calendars (10 soms), please see photos of them here - http://www.flex.ez.kg/postcard/ We and the boys in Vosnesenovka prison would really appreciate it if you could at least spread the word about this project to your friends, family, relatives and coworkers and/or buy post cards and calendars if you can. Please email/call (0312 66 48 38) (502) 309988 or stop by (98/1 Tynystanova st/ Toktogula st.) if you want to buy cards and calendars or if you have any questions about the project. Thank you all in advance and have a nice day! |
Объявлена распродажа открыток и календарей, нарисованных детьми-сиротами. Все вырученные ресурсы будут направлены на покупку 20 обеденных столов и 50 стульев для детской колонии в с. Вознесеновка. В колонии 90 подростков и только 5 (!) обеденных столов и несколько стульев.
Открытки стоят 35 с., календари - 10 с.
Если будете в Бишкеке, загляните по адресу ул. Тыныстанова 98/1 (пер. ул. Токтогула) или свяжитесь по тел. 66 48 38, 0 (502) 309988.
Инфо по ссылке http://www.flex.ez.kg/postcard/